Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 3, 2015


1. Grow Your Connections

I noticed, the great majority of LI members respond better to connection invitations and networking opportunities once you hit the 500+ connections.
Prospects will take you more seriously, potential clients and partners will often times assess the fact that you have less than 500 as a sign of “weakness”
To get 500 connections, connect your email account(s) and LinkedIn will suggest to you, email contacts that are already LinkedIn members. This simple step can give you the boost you may need to hit the 500+ mark.

2. Post Insightful Updates.

More and more LI members complain that LinkedIn is turning into an other Facebook, spammed by silly memes, useless math tricks. STAND OUT and post something that might resonate with your audience and your network.
Often times I receive connection requests after posting a good update that resonates with target audience.
This will help you reach that prized 500+ connections, or if you are already past 500, will continue to add value to your network, nurture quality connections and grow.
What to share? Any kind for insight, but the easiest and fastest is to skim through Pulse and find articles like the one you are reading. There is an ENDLESS supply of wonderful content.

3. Find LinkedIn Groups to Join.

If you want to attract great connections, join a handful of groups first, then be found where your most valuable prospects are. Browse through the posts and conversations, "like" "reply" "comment" on a few conversations.
Typically, posts in groups are pretty "dead" or at least not very active, so your input, will stick out and really be noticed, make it insightful and you will get profile views and connection requests, fast!

4. Go on LinkedIn Pulse.

Go on linkedin Pulse and find relevant and thriving articles. Like, comments, posts comments, tag other LI members that you want to be noticed by, give them a compliment on their comments and watch your profile views increase dramatically, with targeted, quality connections prospects.

5. Keep an Eye on Your Connections' Updates.

Congratulate on new jobs, anniversaries and other events.
Comment and share your connections updates, so that THEIR network sees your name in THEIR feed, this in turn will get you views and connection requests.

Keep it simple, but keep it CONSISTENT!

From: Personal Branding Network

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